hi :)
I was trying to develop a custom mod_python based web-site, just
today. the problem I got
though i liked the mod_python's feature of mapping and calling
functions in python script by parsing the url.
I mean, http://localhost/site/member/list?no=100

would call site/member.py page's function list with arguments no=100.
Thats a feature i liked.
i have included in index.py a css link to say something media/base.css
now when same page comes with URL index.py/index the URL becomes
false. I am finding some better way to overcome this.
Placing all CSS as static served is not a good idea,(like if CSS is
dynamically generated).
So according to you, what should be a better approach to this problem.

How can I prevent directory traversal.
Take the case, i have five subdirs in dir 'site' named :

and a file loader.py

when a request comes as loader.py/pagename?renderType=xhtml
it would call the function pagename which loads the pages from subdir
'templates' resolves the added components in pages from subdir
'components' where components uses custom modules from 'modules' and
so on. Configuration subdir contains various configuration files in
.py and .xml

I don't want visitors to traverse and get list of all those subdirs.
Those sub-dirs actually should no way be traversable online.
Though I can prevent it using apache .htaccess and access directives
in apache config.

But many hosting server, apache config can't be edited (or maybe some
situation). Then how can i block traversing the directory (what sort
of implementation)
Referring to CodeIgnitor PHP Framework, they places index.php in every
dir. thats doesn't seem a good idea, and if a person calls the pages
providing the right path, they are able to execute files in the
framework,  though since those configs and other files doesn't return
anything, tere is no result.


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