> Hi everyone,
> I have to develop a web based enterprise application for my final year
> project. Since i am interested in open source, i searched the net.
> Almost 90% of them were PHP and MySQL. Cant we use python for that ? I
> tried several sites, but there is not enough tutorial for beginners
> [mod_python, PSP etc]. I couldnt find any detailed book, not even a
> single book :( All the python books are covering only CGI part)
> Any suggestions? Any recommended book?
> Execuse my English.
>                             Thushanthan.

Well, there are multiple different Python web frameworks, including
Django, Pylons, TurboGears and Zope (also the barebones CherryPy).
They're all much more high-level than PHP, including things like
database APIs and templating languages. Most/all of them have books or
at least good documentation and guides.

If you're doing something really simple (one web page, minimal DB usage,
whatever), you can use bare WSGI, perhaps like libraries like Beaker for

Google all of the terms I used. There should be information available. :-P

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