I get class Searcher(object) but can't for the life of me see why
(except to be intentionally obtuse) one would use the def
searcher(rex) pattern which I assure you would call with
searcher(r)(t) right?

- mdf

> >
> > 'Most flexible' in a different way is
> >
> > def searcher(rex):
> >     crex = re.compile(rex)
> >     def _(txt):
> >         return crex.search(txt)
> >     return _
> >
> I see your obfuscatory ante and raise you several dots and
> underscores:
> class Searcher(object):
>     def __init__(self, rex):
>         self.crex = re.compile(rex)
>     def __call__(self, txt):
>         return self.crex.search(txt)

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