> I think Python perfectly meets the specification (i.e. is designed
>for Windows XP) in this respect (*):
>- python25.dll is a shared component
>- it is not private to a single software vendor
>- it is not a control panel item
>- it is not a service or device driver
>- it does not support side-by-side installation
>- hence, it can be placed in the System directory.

No, that doesn't follow from the requirements given.  The only exception
for something that isn't a service or device driver is for backwards
compatibility.  Also, pretty much any DLL supports side-by-side

>The backwards compatibility with "those applications" is necessary, in
>particular with PythonWin (but also with any other software that embeds

The backwards compatibility exception doesn't apply when the name of
the DLL changes.  If the name of the DLL changes, the shared location
its installed to can also change.

                                        Ross Ridge

 l/  //   Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU
-()-/()/  http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~rridge/ 
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