"SMALLp" schrieb 
> I have question. After short goggling, I haven't found 
> anything good.  So my question is:
> I wrote a program in python and i Get .py files and some 
> .pyc in working folder. Now i want program tu run under 
> windows, so i need to get exe files or something.
If python is installed on the target machine (Windows or 
Linux or ...) you do not need an exe, just copy the py file.

> And what do i need to do to make program for linux. 
> (stg. like .deb package)
a .deb package is more than a "program".
You'll have to look at the .deb developer documentation.

Again, for simple programs, just copying the .py file
is sufficient, provided that Python (and all the modules 
your .py needs) is installed.



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