On Dec 28, 12:57 pm, stanleyxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To note this problem occurs when debugging script in IDLE editor.
> When I double click on my_script.py, all outputs will be printed in one
> console.
> --
>         ___
>    oo  // \\
>   (_,\/ \_/ \     Xu, Qian
>     \ \_/_\_/>      stanleyxu2005
>     /_/   \_\

Why are you using os.system for these commands in the first place? You
should be using the os and shutil modules instead as they would be
more cross-platform friendly.

Something like this:

# untested
for new_folder, old_folder in folder_array:
       shutil.copytree(old_folder, new_folder)

Adjust the path as needed in the mkdir call.

See shutil's docs for more info:

And here's some folder manipulation docs:

By the by, the subprocess module is supposed to be used in place of
the os.system and os.popen* calls: 


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