Paul Rubin schrieb:
> Joachim Durchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Indeed. An additional case is interactive applications where setting
>> up the situation to be tested requires several time-consuming steps.
> At least for web development, there are a lot of automated tools that
> mimic user input, just for this purpose.

Yes, but it still takes time to run to the point you want.
Plus you'd need to integrate such a tool with the debugger.
Plus you'd need to record the user actions, save them somewhere, and 
recall them.

None of that is rocket science, of course, but I have yet to see such a 
thing. (It would be nice to have it though.)

However, for web applications, I found a far easier variant: I just 
reload the page being debugged. (I have to make sure that the backend is 
in the same state when reloading, but that's usually easy to accomplish.)
So web pages are one area where code modification during debugging is 
less important.

Desktop programs with a large internal state are an entirely different 
kettle of fish, of course.


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