here's a large exercise that uses what we built before.

suppose you have tens of thousands of files in various directories.
Some of these files are identical, but you don't know which ones are
identical with which. Write a program that prints out which file are
redundant copies.

Here's the spec.
The program is to be used on the command line. Its arguments are one or
more full paths of directories.

perl dir1

prints the full paths of all files in dir1 that are duplicate.
(including files in sub-directories) More specifically, if file A has
duplicates, A's full path will be printed on a line, immediately
followed the full paths of all other files that is a copy of A. These
duplicates's full paths will be prefixed with "rm " string. A empty
line follows a group of duplicates.

Here's a sample output.

rm inPath/b.jpg
rm inPath/3/a.jpg
rm inPath/hh/eu.jpg

rm inPath/23/a.jpg
rm inPath/hh33/eu.jpg

order does not matter. (i.e. which file will not be "rm " does not


perl dir1 dir2

will do the same as above, except that duplicates within dir1 or dir2
themselves not considered. That is, all files in dir1 are compared to
all files in dir2. (including subdirectories) And, only files in dir2
will have the "rm " prefix.

One way to understand this is to imagine lots of image files in both
dir. One is certain that there are no duplicates within each dir
themselves. (imagine that has run on each already) Files in
dir1 has already been categorized into sub directories by human. So
that when there are duplicates among dir1 and dir2, one wants the
version in dir2 to be deleted, leaving the organization in dir1 intact.

perl dir1 dir2 dir3 ...

does the same as above, except files in later dir will have "rm "
first. So, if there are these identical files:


the c and d will both have "rm " prefix for sure. (which one has "rm "
in dir2 does not matter) Note, although dir2 doesn't compare files
inside itself, but duplicates still may be implicitly found by indirect
comparison. i.e. a==c, b==c, therefore a==b, even though a and b are
never compared.


Write a Perl or Python version of the program.

a absolute requirement in this problem is to minimize the number of
comparison made between files. This is a part of the spec.

feel free to write it however you want. I'll post my version in a few



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