On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 22:52:32 -0800, Dennis Lee Bieber

>On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 23:58:17 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the
>following in comp.lang.python:
>> I am sorry i thought I did say what I was tryng to do.
>       The only thing I picked up from the thread is that you attempted to
>move any file, whose name contained -- in any order/position -- two
>specific substrings, from some specified source directory tree to a
>single specified directory.
>       Among the unknowns: what happens if two source directories have
>files with identical names! Does the second overwrite the first? Does
>the second NOT get moved? Should the second have the name modified with
>a suffix count?
>       a/something.wht         ->              dest/something.wht
>       b/something.wht         ->              ?????
>                                                                       1) 
> replace the first something.wht
> (thereby losing a/something.wht)
>                                                                       2) 
> don't move -- leaving 
> b/something.wht unmoved
>                                                                       3) 
> rename as
> dest/something1.wht
>       Neither do I have any idea of what type of problem you really
>encountered (you'll have to forgive me, but I do not intend to try
>running your script, on my system, given that I do not know what the
>effects, in the end, are to be).
>       The closest to what you seem to ask, that I've created in the past,
>is a task to identify potential duplicate files (I have a large number
>of downloaded images). Note the date -- I think it predated os.walk()
>#      DupCheck.py     --      Scans a directory and all subdirectories
>#                              for duplicate file names, reporting conflicts
>#      March 22 1998           dl bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>import os
>import sys
>import string
>from stat import *
>Files = {}
>def Scan_Dir(cd):
>       global Files, logfile
>       cur_files = os.listdir(cd)
>       cur_files.sort()
>       for f in cur_files:
>               fib = os.stat("%s\\%s" % (cd, f))
>               if S_ISDIR(fib[ST_MODE]):
>                       Scan_Dir("%s\\%s" % (cd, f))
>               elif S_ISREG(fib[ST_MODE]):
>                       if Files.has_key(string.lower(f)):
>                               (aSize, aDir) = Files[string.lower(f)]
>                               if fib[ST_SIZE] == aSize:
>                                       logfile.write(
>                                               "*****  Possible Duplicate 
> File: %s\n" % (f))
>                                       logfile.write(
>                                               "       %s\t%s\n" % 
> (fib[ST_SIZE], cd))
>                                       logfile.write(
>                                               "       %s\t%s\n\n" % 
> (Files[string.lower(f)]))
>                       else:
>                               Files[string.lower(f)] = (fib[ST_SIZE], cd)
>               else:
>                       logfile.write(
>                               "*****  SKIPPED  Not File or Dir: %s\n\n" % (f))
>if __name__ == "__main__":
>       Cur_Dir = raw_input("Root Directory -> ")
>       Log_To = raw_input("Log File -> ")
>       if Log_To:
>               logfile = open(Log_To, "w")
>       else:
>               logfile = sys.stdout
>       Scan_Dir(Cur_Dir)
>       if Log_To:
>               logfile.close()

I am sorry if I was not clear in what I was trying to achieve. All I
wanted was simple way to achieve what windows does when you use search
for Files or Folders,  and all the files that mach two words like foo
and bar in the file name to be moved or copied to a specified folder,
duplicates should not be copied just skipped.

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