Oguz Yarimtepe wrote:
> I am trying to write a program that will work on a machine which
> is between a client and a server. What i want is to simulate the
> bridging process. So the program should take the packages and able
> to send them to the other interface. I dont want to loose package
> and i want efficiency. 

Okay, you just want to simulate? For efficiency, you'd best use
kernel packet filtering, e. g. netfilter (for GNU/Linux).

> I tried to write a program in a multithreaded way 

Why? There isn't even any concurrency, just reading and writing
packets in a linear fashion.

> I am not sure the right way to solve the problem with Python. I
> will be happy if you help me with your ideas?

I think the most direct way would be using raw sockets. You could
need to have root/administrator privileges.



BOFH excuse #126:

it has Intel Inside


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