> So the data comes in as a long list.  I'm dealing with some
> information on various countries with 6 pieces of information to
> pivot.  Just to make it simple it's like a video store database.  The
> data is like [Country, Category, Sub Category, Film Title, Director,
> Number of Copies].  data = [['Italy', 'Horror', '70s', 'Suspiria',
> 'Dario Argento', 4],['Italy', 'Classics', 'Neo-Realist', 'Otto e
> Mezzo', 'Fellini', 3],['Italy', 'Horror', '70s', 'Profondo Rosso',
> 'Dario Argento', 4],...].  So there are 4 copies of Suspiria and 3 of
> 8 1/2.  What I want is the total number of films for each country,
> category and subcategory, ie there are 11 Italian films and 8 Italian
> horror films from the 70s, etc...I will then output the data like this
>                  | Horror            |  Classics              ...
>            Total | 70s    Slasher    |  Neo-Realist  Western  ...
> Total
> America    200     20       30            0            10     ...
> Argentina  304     1        0             0            0      ...
> ....
> Italy      11      7        0             3            0      ...

Did you mean your table has to look like the following?

                 | Horror | Horror    | Classics    | Classics
           Total | 70s    | Slasher   | Neo-Realist | Western  ...
America    200     20       30            0            10     ...
Argentina  304     1        0             0            0      ...

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