Astan Chee wrote: > Hi, > Im trying to implement the logic from > to a > simple python code using urllib2 and some parts of urllib. Im behind a > http proxy that requires authentication that is why Im using urllib2. Im > asking for help on how to send commands in a body of a HTTP before > requesting for response. What am I doing wrong? I only get the response > from the server but my commands never seem to be acknowledged or > properly handled. > I've tried a httplib implementation for it, and now it keeps giving me an Error 400 (bad request) / Invalid header name as a response. What am I doing wrong? is the server depreciated? or not working like the document describes it? Thanks again for any help. Below is my code
import httplib import base64 import urllib USER='user' PASS='pass' url = '' values = 'VER 5 MSNP8 CVR0\r\n' user_pass = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (urllib.unquote(USER),urllib.unquote(PASS))) authheader = "Basic %s" % user_pass proxy_authorization='Proxy-authorization: Basic '+user_pass+'\r\n' conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("", 8080) conn.connect() conn.putrequest("POST", url) conn.putheader('Accept','*/*') conn.putheader('Accept-Language','en-us') conn.putheader('Accept-Encoding','gzip, deflate') conn.putheader('User-agent','MSMSGS') conn.putheader('Host','') conn.putheader('Proxy-Connection','Keep-Alive') conn.putheader('Pragma','no-cache') conn.putheader('Content-Type','application/x-msn-messenger') conn.putheader('content-length',str(len(values))) conn.putheader('Proxy-authorization',authheader) conn.endheaders() conn.send(values) r = conn.getresponse() print r.status, r.reason print r.msg print --