I am trying to use the fill command to draw a box around an object in an image. I can get the box drawn, but there seems to be a side effect. The fill command is adding white lines to the top and sometimes right side of my axes plots. I am using small images, 124x200, and after the fill command the axes plot is changed to 140x200, with the top 16 lines being all white. I am running it in interactive mode from the python command line. Here is code that reproduces the problem.
from pylab import * im_array = zeros((124,200)) ion() figure() imshow(im_array) hold(True) x=40 y=40 fill([x-5,x+5,x+5,x-5],[y+5,y+5,y-5,y-5],ec='r', fill = False) hold(False) Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list