Paul McGuire  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While not required by any means, you will also find it handy to follow
> *every* entry in the list with a comma, even the last one in the list
> (this is legal Python).  That is, in your example:
> foo =3D [
>     'too long',
>     'too long too',
>     'too long too',
>     'last item',
>     ]
> Later on when you want to reorder the items, then you can just copy/
> paste whole lines, even if moving to or from the bottom of the list.
> This is also a good argument for putting the closing ']' on its own
> line, instead of on the same line as the last item.

The other good reason for doing these two things is that they fit
better with the line-based rules that most source code management
systems use for merging.



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