Chris Leary wrote:
> As I understand it, the appeal of properties (and descriptors in
> general) in new-style classes is that they provide a way to
> "intercept" direct attribute accesses. This lets us write more clear
> and concise code that accesses members directly without fear of future
> API changes.
> I love this feature of the language, but find that I still have to
> call getter/setter methods of module instances. Since module
> attributes are accessed by way of __dict__ and the module type has a
> valid __mro__, why doesn't the descriptor protocol apply to module
> instances?

Because it doesn't apply to class *instances*. Module-level code gets 
executed roughly like this::

     mod = ModuleType(...)
     exec module_code in mod.__dict__

So consider the similar code::

     >>> class C(object):
     ...     pass
     >>> c = C()
     >>> exec '''
     ... def foo(self, *args):
     ...     print self, args
     ... '''  in c.__dict__

A function ``foo`` has been added to the ``C`` instance. But *instances* 
don't invoke the descriptor protocol, so we the ``self`` parameter is 
not bound to the ``C`` instance::

     Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
     TypeError: foo() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)

So the straightforward answer to your question is that module instances 
don't invoke the descriptor protocol because instances in general don't 
invoke the protocol (only classes do).

The follow-up question is usually something like "well, can't we make 
module instances special and have them invoke the descriptor protocol?" 
Yes, in theory it would be possible, but it would break backwards 
compatibility in very bad ways. For example, every pure function you 
define at the module level would then become a bound method whenever it 
was accessed. Consider a simple module ``mod`` like::

     def foo(bar):
         return 'baz(%s)' % bar

If I try to use this module, and module instances invoke the descriptor 
protocol, then ``bar`` will always be bound to the module instance. That 
means we'd have to totally change how we right module level functions, 
and they'd have to start looking like this::

     def foo(mod, bar):
         return 'baz(%s)' % bar

That, of course, would break *tons* of existing code.


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