On Jan 8, 3:31 pm, "Daniel Fetchinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Basically, I have created a program using tkinter without using any class
> > structure, simply creating widgets and functions (and finding ways around
> > passing variables from function to function, using global variables etc).
> > The program has become rather large ( lines?) I am trying to now put it into
> > a class structure, because I hear it is easier to handle.
> > So basically, I put all the stuff into a class, making the widgets in the
> > "def __init__(self, root)" (root being my Tk() ) and then I have had to put
> > a "self." in front of any instance of any variable or widget. Is this right?
> > it seems like nothing is any easier (except having variables locally). Is
> > this right? Should I be creating more classes for different things or what?
> Use the method that works best for you. If you like the procedural
> approach more then don't worry about being object oriented. The good
> thing is that python is multi-paradigm so if custom objects don't make
> your life easier then just forget about them :)

One great benefit to classes is the ability to take a generic class
and then subclass it. Or the ability to instantiate various objects
from one class.

Say you have a dog class. If you pass in the correct data, you can
instantiate a dalmatian, a Labrador or a mutt. They're all dogs, but
their all different too.

Enough of my babbling. Check out the following links for more info:



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