aspineux a écrit :
> Hi
> I read the PEP 3117 about the new "Postfix type declarations"  in
> Python3000.
> THIS PEP as been REJECTED ! 

Indeed - it's an april's fool joke !-)

And BTW, no need to scream, we hear you pretty well.

> But ...
> The notation in the PEP is very ugly !  This make python code more
> difficult to read!
> Anyway when I switched to python (from C, C++, ..), I suffered a lot
> of the
> untyped python variables.
> And I think this is a good idea to include
> typing in python.

The concept of "type" greatly differs between static typing and dynamic 
typing. FWIW, it also somewhat differs between declarative static type 
systems (C/C++/Java/etc) and inference-based static type systems (OCaml, 
Haskell etc).

Anyway, Python is dynamically typed (FWIW, it's dynamic almost 
everywhere), and this is probably not going to change in a foreseeable 
future. So I guess you'd better learn to use dynamic typing instead of 
trying to write C++ in Python - or, if you just can't get used to 
dynamic typing, use another language.


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