Ant a écrit :
>> I'm interested to learn how more experienced Python folks would solve
>> this little problem.
> I think I'd do the following:
> from collections import defaultdict
> names = "freddy fred bill jock kevin andrew kevin kevin jock"
> freq = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
> for name in names.split():
>     freq[name] += 1
> pairs = [(v, k) for k, v in freq.iteritems()]
> for v, k in reversed(sorted(pairs)):
>     print "%-10s: %d" % (k, v)
> defaultdict makes the frequency accumulation neater.
> reversed(sorted(pairs)) avoids the little -v hack and makes it more
> obvious what you are doing.

But fails to implement the specs (emphasis is mine):
   produce a frequency table of names, sorted descending by frequency.
   *then ascending by name*. For the above data, the output should be:

     kevin     : 3
     jock      : 2
     andrew    : 1
     bill      : 1
     fred      : 1
     freddy    : 1

With your solution, you get:

kevin     : 3
jock      : 2
freddy    : 1
fred      : 1
bill      : 1
andrew    : 1


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