On Jan 9, 11:51 pm, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve Brown wrote:
> > I've got a series of modules which look like this:
> > #************
> > #
> > # Temperature Sense Test
> > #
> > #************
> > class Test3(ar_test.AR_TEST):
> >     """Temperature Sense Test"""
> > I don't like the duplicated information: But the comment is attractive, and
> > the docstring self.__doc__ is already in use in the test log. I've read that
> > all modules and classes should have docstrings, but I don't really have
> > anything else to say, and each module contains only one class. I don't think
> > that
> > """Temperature Sense Test"""
> > class Test3(ar_test.AR_TEST):
> >     """Temperature Sense Test"""
> > would be a real improvement.
> > What do you think?
> since you already seem to cater to your audience (clearly marked
> comments for people browsing the code, brief docstrings for the test
> log), I don't really see why you should change anything.
>  > I've read that all modules and classes should have docstrings
> if nobody's going to read them, there's no reason to add them.  don't
> treat generic style advice as dogma.
> </F>

Well, trivial modules certainly don't need much documentation, but he
didn't say they were trivial. I assumed there was more to them then he

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