
I have a python program that constantly updates an excel spreadsheet.
I would like to be able to view its updates while using excel to edit
other excel files. Below are the test codes I have:

from time import sleep
import win32com.client as w32c

def test():
    print w32c.pythoncom._GetInterfaceCount()
    app1 = w32c.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
    #app1.Interactive = False

    sh.Cells(2,1).Value = "Hello, world!"
    sh = None

    wb = None
    app1 = None
    print w32c.pythoncom._GetInterfaceCount()

If the user just looks at the file then it's fine, but if the user
double clicks one cell, which will have a cursor flashing in the cell,
then it will lead to a crash of the program with error: "Call was
rejected by callee."  I can make the program keep trying to access the
file, but if the user doesn't make the flashing cursor disappear, the
program will wait forever!

I know excel has the fuction such that when a user is accessing a file
and other users open that file, it will prompt for options of opening
it as read-only or sending notification. I have been trying to
implement that in the program, but don't know how.

So, any suggestion will be greatly appreciated!

- Barry

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