Hi Jeroen,

Thanks for the advice.

> Personally I'd be loathe to put app.py in /usr/bin. This directory is normally
> reserved for OS-specific binaries. For personal/system-extended stuff I'd use
> /usr/local/bin or whatever your system mandates. (But hey, that's the typical
> mentality difference between the BSD and Linux world it seems, so do with it
> what you want.)

I thought about that too. I just wonder why /usr/local/bin is always
empty and every .deb I install from a source (if it's from Ubuntu or
not) installs files in /usr/bin .. So I looked further and noticed
that most python files do reside in /usr/share/{appname}

> Normally you'd split up the bulk of the code into a module which gets
> installed into site-packages and a piece of stand-alone front-end code which
> imports the module and executes whatever you need to do and gets installed
> into a typical PATH directory.

I would agree but it is not a site package I am trying to distribute,
but a wxPython application. I would not think my app belongs in the
python site packages dir.

Thanks a lot for the input!

- Jorgen

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