Unless your CVS repository is local, the overhead associated with
calling CVS through system calls isn't going to be a bottleneck, and
even then it shouldn't be too bad.  Using one of the varieties of
os.popen instead of os.system will make it easier to avoid disk I/O
when communicating with the cvs process.

It will be a hassle to parse CVS' copious output, though.  I've wished
for a Python CVS module before, too.  Good luck =)

IMHO, the best way to write a Python CVS module would actually be to
call it from the command line; writing a Python C Extension for this
purpose would introduce a negligible performance increase at the cost
of all sorts of other hassles, like expecting users to have the CVS
headers/libraries and a C compiler and possibly something like SWIG or
Boost Python as well.


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