At 11:03 PM 1/11/2008, Landon wrote:
>Hi, I'm a freshman in college and I'm going to be taking an intro to
>programming course next semester which mainly uses Python, so I
>thought it might be a good time to pick up Python beyond the scope of
>the class as well. The text book for this class is Python for the
>Absolute Beginner or something similar to that name.
>I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on what other titles I
>could look into since this one seems from a glance at reviews to be
>teaching mainly through game programming (a topic I'm not too
>interested in) or if this one is a quality book by itself.

Yes, it's a quality book, IMO.

I hope by now you've gotten over your dislike for online tutorials. 
Please take a look at these 3:
Hands-On Python <>
How to Think Like a (Python) Programmer 
Alan Gauld's Learning to Program (heavy emphasis on Python) 

Also, do take advantage of the VERY helpful Tutor mailing list. 

Dick Moores



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