Hey Roger,

I didn't realize that Stefan replied to the list and sent a private
email reply.  There seemed to be a lag in google groups today.  I
basically told him that I might be crazy enough to write an assembler
in python, but I'm not crazy enough to start using those function

I'm working more on the backend stuff now but I was considering adding
the hook. I never realized that you couldn't use string interpolation
on a docstring, so that's probably the showstopper.  I don't want to
take that functionality away.

I was thinking that the decorator could cheat and just swallow the
originating docstring when returning the assembly function.
Introspection based tools (which I'm assuming epydoc is) would only see
the new docstrings on the assembly function.  Not that I have docstring
functionality built in yet but it's on the todo list.  Size also isn't
an issue because I'm currently using a string anyway.  But lack of
string interpolation is an issue.


P.S.  Where'd you get that cool source code formatter for BitPim ;-)


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