Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> John Nagle wrote:
>> Benjamin wrote:
>>> On Jan 14, 6:26 pm, Bjoern Schliessmann <usenet-
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> John Nagle wrote:
>>>>> It turns out that the strings in the "env" parameter have to be
>>>>> ASCII, not Unicode, even though Windows fully supports Unicode in
>>>>> CreateProcess.
> That's of course nonsense, they don't need to be ascii, they need to be
> byte-strings in whatever encoding you like.
>>>> Are you sure it supports Unicode, not UTF8 or UTF16? Probably using
>>>> something like u"thestring".encode("utf16") will help.
>>> Otherwise: bugs.python.org
> John's understanding of the differences between unicode and it's encodings
> is a bit blurry, to say the least.

    Who's this guy?
>>      Whatever translation is necessary should be done in "popen", which
>> has cases for Windows and POSIX.  "popen" is supposed to be cross-platform
>> to the extent possible.  I think it's just something that didn't get fixed
>> when Unicode support went in.

    I've been looking at the source code.  There's "_PyPopenCreateProcess"
in "posixmodule.c".    That one doesn't support passing an environment at
all; see the call to Windows CreateProcess.  Is that the one that Popen uses?

    Where is "win32process" in the source?  It ought to be in Modules, but
it's not.

                                        John Nagle

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