iu2 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to write data to both a file and the console, so I did:
> class File_and_console(file):
>       def write(self, s):
>               file.write(self, s)
>               print s,
 >>>> f = File_and_console('1.txt', 'w')

Always use the same method for writing, or you will get weird results.
If you think the above works, try:
          for char in 'sample': f.write(char)

class MultiWrite(object):

     def write(self, text):
         for dest in self._files:

     def __init__(self, *files):
         self._files = files

     def close(self):
         for dest in self._files:

f1 = MultiWrite(open('1.txt', 'w'), sys.stdout)

--Scott David Daniels


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