On Jan 21, 3:15 am, Albert Hopkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This issue may have been referred to in
> <news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> but I didn't
> entirely understand the explanation.  Basically I have this:
>     >>> a = float(6)
>     >>> b = float('nan')
>     >>> min(a, b)
>     6.0
>     >>> min(b, a)
>     nan
>     >>> max(a, b)
>     6.0
>     >>> max(b, a)
>     nan
> Before I did not know what to expect, but I certainly didn't expect
> this.  So my question is what is the min/max of a number and NaN or is it
> not defined (for which I would have expected either an exception to be
> raised or NaN returned in each case).
> As a corrollary would I be able to rely on the above behavior or is it
> subject to change (to fix a bug in min/max perhaps :-)?

I am definitely NOT a floating point expert, but I did find this:

P.S. What platform /Compiler are you using for Python?

- Paddy.

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