En Wed, 23 Jan 2008 05:04:35 -0200, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> I've seen a few references on the net to a python24.pdb file. I assume
> it's a symbol file along the lines of the pdb files issued by
> microsoft for their products. Maybe I'm wrong.
> Has anyone seen such an animal?

I don't get why you care so much about that file. It's useful to debug a  
crash in python.exe, but I can't see any other useful purpose (if you only  
have the python executable and the .pdb available).

> Also, is there source code available for python24 for Windoze? I have
> seen reference to source code but not in a package for Windows.

There is a single source package shared by all platforms. You can download  
and compile it, and you'll get your own version of python.pdb if you like.

Gabriel Genellina


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