
I am mighty pleased to announce the release of python module for
pacparser. pacparser is a library to parse proxy auto-config (PAC)
files. Proxy auto-config files are already a vastly used web proxy
configuration method these days (either directly or via web proxy
autodiscovery protocol) and almost all popular web browsers support
them. pacparser python module brings in PAC file parsing capability to
python programs. Using it, python web software can now work with proxy
auto-config files. I am hoping, web software programmers will
appreciate it. At least I've been looking for such a thing for a while

For documentation and available packages, please visit project homepage at

Direct download links:
Source archive:  http://pacparser.googlecode.com/files/pacparser-1.0.3.tar.gz
Compiled module for python 2.5 and win32:

I have tested the module to work on Python 2.2 - 2.5 on Linux and Win32.

Cheers :-),

Manu Garg
"Journey is the destination of life."

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