Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Yann Leboulanger schrieb:
>> Yann Leboulanger wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I use autoconf / automake to manage my python project, and I'l like 
>>> make / make install to create / install .pyo files instead of .py files.
>>> Is there something I should add to my Makefile.am files to do that? 
>>> Or should I do all that myself with py_compile module?
>>> Are there some examples somewhere with autotools?
>>> Thanks for your help
>> Hehe replying to myself. It seems I just have to replace
>> project_DATA = $(srcdir)/*.py
>> by
>> project_PYTHON = $(srcdir)/*.py
>> Then when I do make install, it installs .py, .pyc and .pyo.
>> Would it be possible to install only .pyo? Is it a good idea?
> There might be the occasional code that relies on doc-strings to work - 
> seldomly, but possible. Which are obmitted by .pyo, but not of pyc.
> Apart from that, having only pyc-files (or pyo for that matter) sucks. 
> Just today I had to delve into a ZOPE-application, setting breakpoints 
> and getting things done. It would have been impossible or at least much 
> more inconvenient to debug if I hadn't had the sources available (and 
> put at a place where they actually get invoked from the interpreter, not 
> lying around unrelated)
> Diez

Source are available i ntarballs, but when I do make install I don't 
care to install .py files. .pyo are enough to run the application.


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