On Jan 27, 7:01 pm, "Steven Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why not make chromosome itself a class?
> class BasicChromosome(object):
>     def __init__(self, data):
>         self.data = data
>     def crossover(self):
>         [stuff here]
> You can subclass this as needed, altering the crossover method as necessary.
> ...perhaps I didn't understand your question.
> -Steven
> On Jan 27, 2008 6:35 PM, Wildemar Wildenburger
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Max wrote:
> > > In GAs, you operate on a Population of solutions. Each Individual from
> > > the Population is a potential solution to the problem you're
> > > optimizing, and Individuals have what's called a chromosome - a
> > > specification of what it contains. For example, common chromosomes are
> > > bit strings, lists of ints/floats, permutations...etc. I'm stuck on
> > > how to implement the different chromosomes. I have a Population class,
> > > which is going to contain a list of Individuals. Each individual will
> > > be of a certain chromosome. I envision the chromosomes as subclasses
> > > of an abstract Individual class, perhaps all in the same module. I'm
> > > just having trouble envisioning how this would be coded at the
> > > population level. Presumably, when a population is created, a
> > > parameter to its __init__ would be the chromosome type, but I don't
> > > know how to take that in Python and use it to specify a certain class.
> > I'm not sure I'm following you here. So a "chromosome" is bit of
> > functionality, right? So basically it is a function. So my advice would
> > be to write these functions and store it to the "indivuals"-list like so:
> > class Population(object):
> >      def __init__(self, *individuals):
> >          self.individuals = list(individuals)
> > Then you can say:
> > p = Population(indiv1, indiv2, indiv3)
> > for individual in p.individual:
> >      individual(whatever_your_problem)
> > (Don't know if this is the way GA's are supposed to work)
> > You can also create callable classes (that is, classes that implement
> > the __call__ method), and use instances of these as the individuals. For
> > example you can create a Permutation class that returns a permutation
> > (defined in it's __init__()) when it's __call__ method is called. (Am I
> > making sense?)
> > This is just generic advice, maybe this helps and maybe it doesn't at
> > all. :)
> > > I'm doing something similar with my crossover methods, by specifying
> > > them as functions in a module called Crossover, importing that, and
> > > defining
> > > crossover_function = getattr(Crossover, "%s_crossover" % xover)
> > > Where xover is a parameter defining the type of crossover to be used.
> > > I'm hoping there's some similar trick to accomplish what I want to do
> > > with chromosomes - or maybe I'm going about this completely the wrong
> > > way, trying to get Python to do something it's not made for. Any help/
> > > feedback would be wonderful.
> > This isn't too bad, but for such things dictionaries are your Go-To
> > datatype. Just have a dictionary of xover-functions handy and call the
> > thusly:
> > crossover_function = Crossover.function[xover]
> > > Thanks,
> > > Max Martin
> > If that helps :)
> > regards
> > /W
> > --
> >http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

This is sort of what I'm trying to do. The super class would be
Individual, and subclasses would be BitStringIndividual,
IntIndividual, PermutationIndividual...etc. I just am feeling lost as
to how I'm going to implement my Population class, because when a
Population is initially created, it's going to fill itself up with
individuals by creating them, so it's going to need to know which
class it's creating instances of (which will be input when creating
the population somehow; I'm just not sure how to implement this).

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