On 2008-01-28, Bjoern Schliessmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grant Edwards wrote:
>> No, it doesn't output corresponding machine code (that's what
>> some Java JIT implementations do, but I'm not aware of any
>> Python implementations that do that).  The virtual machine
>> interpreter just does the action specified by the bytecode.
> By "outputs corresponding machine code" I meant "feeds corresponding
> machine code to the CPU" to make the analogy clearer. Which can
> mean a function call.

OK, but I think you're reaching a little. :) It's pretty hard
for me to think of a program as something that's "feeding
machine code to the CPU".

In my mind, the VM is a program that's reading data from one
source (the bytecode files) and performing operations on a
second set of data (in-memory structures representing Python
objects) based on what is found in that first set of data.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Is it clean in other
                                  at               dimensions?

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