I find an OPEN SOURCE tool  (http://bouml.free.fr/) that Recently generates 
Python code from UML model.

I like to model the Python language metamodel himself, with it, e.g  the model 
of the language: I need that to better understand the language constraint of  
the language.

for example, i like to model that :
-a  class "class" may inherit from 0..* class
-a class "class" is create from a class that is its "metaclass"
-a class  "class" has 0..n attributes and 0..n method
-a class "module" has 0..n class "class"

Does anyone know a document that describes it already, because I think it is 
complicated to find this information in the documentation of Python.
For example, can i say that:

-a class  "class" has 0..n properties ?
It seems that the Python metamodel is not perfect, because I do not find 
attribute which give me the property list with a code like:
"myPropertyList = myclass.properties"

- a class "method" can contains nested "method", but what is the way to get a 
list of internal methods, without use ? Can i just write:
"myNestedMethodList = method.nestedMethodList"

I think a metamodel Python would be welcome to complement the BNF 
(http://docs.python.org/ref/grammar.txt), so as to know fully understand the 
relationships between the various elements of language.

Thank you

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