On 29 jan, 21:23, epsilon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All:
> I'm running into trouble figuring this one out.  It seems that my
> decision routine is not working as intended.  Does anyone know why my
> output continues to utilize the "else" portion of the routine.

Probably because the test expression 'tag_form["fse00"] == ""' evals
to false ?

Hint: try printing out tag_form["fse00"] before the test, ie:

> #!/usr/bin/python
> import cgi
> print "Content-type: text/plain\n"
> tag_form = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=True)

  print "tag_form[\"fse00\"] is actually: %s" % tag_form["fse00"]
  print "tag_form[\"fse00\"] == '' evals to: %s" % (tag_form["fse00"]
== '')

> if tag_form["fse00"] == "":
>     fse000 = {"fse00": "0"}
>     tag_form.update(fse000)
>     print "Printing fse000: ", tag_form["fse00"]
> else:
>     print "Printing fse00: ", tag_form["fse00"]


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