PurpleServerMonkey a écrit :
> Out of the major frameworks is there one that stands out as being
> particularly well suited for what I'm trying to do?
> Django and CherryPy are on the short list so I'll give them a detailed
> look although Pylons does sound rather interesting as well.

I guess you'll have to try them out to find the one that best match your 
needs and personal preferences. Mostly:

- CherryPy is more of a web application server than a framework per-se: 
it's it's own HTTP server - which might or not be a good thing -, and 
only deals with the "controler" part of the MVC triad.

- Django is by now a mostly mature MVC framework, with more than a 
couple years of production use on quite a lot of sites and applications, 
good documentation and a somewhat large and active community. OTHO, it's 
a very opiniated (and somewhat monolithic) framework, with most parts of 
the stack (ORM, forms validation, template system etc) built 
specifically for this framework (which was probably the sensible thing 
to do by the time), so it's perhaps the less flexible of the three.

- Pylons is IMHO very promising: wsgi from bottom to top, very flexible, 
good default components choice (paste / Routes / SQLAlchemy / Mako / 
FormEncode) but let you swap what you want in and out, and FWIW I've 
seen so far a very sound architecture. FWIW, next Turbogears major 
version will switch from CherryPy to Pylons. OTHO, it's still far from 
being as mature and documented as Django.

My 2 cents...

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