On Jan 30, 4:31 am, Peter Schuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I don't know Python internals enough to state of believe with any
> authority wither, let's say, stomping __module__ and hacking
> sys.modules would be enough to *truly* do it correctly in a proper way
> such that it is entirely transparent. This is why I care about whether
> it truly changes the real identity of the class; it's not about
> satisfying my particular list of examples (because they *were* just
> examples).

Well, all I will say is that many people on this list, myself
included, do know Python internals, and we use the method we've been
suggesting here, without problems.

I think you're slipping to a level of paranoia that's more harmful
that helpful now.

The ironic thing is, breaking the one-to-one module-to-file
relationship is more likely to have "unintended consequences", by a
very large margin.  Python has always been one-to-one module-to-file
(excepting modules built into the interpretter), and many codes and
tools have come to depend on it.

Carl Banks

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