Hello all, I am using MySQLdb 1.2.2 and have a question about the construction of the dictionary keys of a result set.
Here is an example query, from which you may intuit some of the structure of the tables: SELECT shots.*, users.*, sequences.*, jobs.* FROM shots LEFT JOIN users ON users.id=shots.user_id INNER JOIN sequences ON sequences.id=shots.sequence_id INNER JOIN jobs AS j ON j.id=sequences.job_id WHERE shots.id=%s 1. The 'users' table has a column named 'id', as do all the other tables. 2. I define my cursor as a 'DictCursor' so that my results are dictionaries 3. The 'shots' id has the key name of 'id', while all the -other- 'id's have key names of the form: "<TABLE>.id" I would prefer to have the key names consistent, so that event the "shots" fields have key names of the form "<TABLE>.id" Is this possible? Thanks in advance! -- Wellington -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list