On Jan 25, 5:05 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hallo pyPeople,
> I wrote a little snippet of code that takes a list representing some
> 'digits', and according to a list of symbols, increments the digits through
> the symbol list.
> so for example,
> digits=["a","a","a"]
> symbols=["a","b","c"]
> increment(digits,symbols) repeatedly would return digits as
> aab
> aac
> aba
> abb
> abc
> aca
> etc..
> Heres the code
> def increment(digits,symbols):
>         overflow=True
>         digitpos=-1
>         while overflow and -digitpos<=len(digits):
>                 digitsymbolindex=symbols.index(digits[digitpos])
>                 if digitsymbolindex==len(symbols)-1:
>                         overflow=True
>                         digits[digitpos]=symbols[0]
>                         digitpos=digitpos-1
>                 else:
>                         digits[digitpos]=symbols[digitsymbolindex+1]
>                         overflow=False
>         return digits
> Now, this works. All good. It's nice and simple.  I'm just wondering how
> anyone else might approach it?

I (not an expert at all) have only minor comments and one question:
why keep setting overflow to True, if you do not touch it will not
digitpos -= 1 is easier to read in  my mind
Why first extract the indices and then compare (in your if statement),
why do you not just compare the symbols?


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