On 2008-01-30, grflanagan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 29, 5:39 pm, kj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For command line options I get a long way with this:
> [code python]
> def _getargs():
>     allargs = sys.argv[1:]
>     args = []
>     kwargs = {}
>     key = None
>     while allargs:
>         arg = allargs.pop(0)
>         if arg.startswith('--'):
>             key, arg = arg.split('=', 1)
>             key = key[2:]
>         elif arg.startswith('-'):
>             key = arg[1:]
>             if not allargs or allargs[0].startswith('-'):
>                 allargs.insert(0, 'yes')
>             continue
>         if key is None:
>             args.append(arg)
>         else:
>             kwargs[key] = arg
>             key = None
>     return args, kwargs
> ARGS, KWARGS = _getargs()
> [/code]

Have a look at getopt (old) or optparse (newer) packages in the Python library


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