Hi, I got some help with this from here, and there's been a little bit of discussion around GA's recently, so thought I'd post up my likey slow and clunky version of a GA that in essence just 'evolves' a solution to 'make a sum that evaluates to n using */+-0123456789' it's a really simple GA that would be useful for someone who doesn't quite get GA's to look at.
I think it's simple enough to be fairly self explanatory. to see it come up with evolved solutions to n=1000 >>>from quickga import * >>>evolve() I like playing with stuff like this. I'm going to use this little toy to investigate how mutation rates/crossover gene length, pop size etc.. etc.. interact with each other. All completely unscientifically and for my own bemusement. One point, it's a good idea to keep mutationrate around 1000 - 10000 with genome and population sizes of say 50 - 100. Too low and you get no solution as the mutations mix up the genome too much for selection pressure to work. ...as this actually does need to go as quick as it can, and if anyone feels like it, I'd really appreciate picking it over on the list for optimization. I'm not too familiar with Pthon internals, nor programming for speed in general. <pre> from random import randint from operator import itemgetter genes=['+','-','*','/','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'] signs=['+','-','*','/'] digits=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'] table = {"++": "+", "+-": "-", "+*": "+", "+/": "+", "-+": "-", "--": "+", "-*": "-", "-/": "-", "*+": "*", "**": "*", "*/": "*", "/+": "/", "/*": "/", "//": "/", "+0":"+","*0":"*","-0":"-","/0":"/"} # keep out octal literals def rationalise_signs(s): """Takes the genome string and twiddles it so eval() will work as expected """ prev = '' while s != prev: prev=s for z in ['+','-','*','/']: s=s.replace(z+'0',z) for key, value in table.items(): s = s.replace(key, value) s=s.lstrip('0') s=s.strip('+-*/') return s def generate(number,length): """Generate the initial population of genome strings """ population=[] for i in range(number): s=rationalise_signs(''.join([ genes[randint(0,len(genes))-1] for n in range(length) ])) population.append(s) return population def floatify(intstring):#So eval() be floating point. """kludge to ensure eval() does floating point math """ prev='' while intstring != prev: prev=intstring for sign in signs: for digit in digits: intstring=intstring.replace(digit+sign,digit+'.0'+sign) return intstring def express(population): """Get the 'expression' of the genome. """ expressed_population=[] for individual in population: s=floatify(individual) expressed_population.append((individual,eval(s))) return expressed_population def fitness(expressed_population,fitvalue,tolerance): """Test the expressed genome for fitness """ population_fitness=[] sumfitness=0 for expressed_individual in expressed_population: individual,expression=expressed_individual fitness=abs(fitvalue-expression) sumfitness=sumfitness+fitness population_fitness.append((individual,expression,fitness)) avgfitness=sumfitness/len(expressed_population) return (population_fitness,avgfitness) def get_fittest(population_fitness,pct,full=False): """Quick n dirty way of selecting - top n% fittest individuals """ population_fitness.sort(key=itemgetter(2))#sort on fitness npct=(len(population_fitness)/100.0)*pct if not full: return [ n[0] for n in population_fitness[0:int(npct)] ] else: return population_fitness[0:int(npct)] def mutate(individual,rate): """Does what it says on the tin. Mutates per gene if rate is 10000 mutatuion rate is 1 in 10000 on avg """ newindividual='' for gene in individual: if randint(0,rate)==1: newgene=genes[randint(0,14)-1] newindividual=newindividual+newgene else: newindividual=newindividual+gene return newindividual def breed_new(individuals,number,mutationrate):#crossover with mutation """simple crossover of the two genomes around a point, then mutate """ newpopulation=[] num_individuals=len(individuals) while len(newpopulation)<=number: lady=individuals[randint(0,num_individuals-1)] man=individuals[randint(0,num_individuals-1)] xpoint=randint(0,100) xlady=(len(lady)/100.0)*xpoint xman=(len(man)/100.0)*xpoint leftxlady=lady[:int(xlady)] rightxlady=lady[int(xlady):] leftxman=man[:int(xman)] rightxman=man[int(xman):] new1=rationalise_signs(mutate(leftxlady+rightxman,mutationrate)) new2=rationalise_signs(mutate(leftxman+rightxlady,mutationrate)) newpopulation.append(new1) newpopulation.append(new2) return newpopulation def evolve(popsize=50,genomelength=100,mutationrate=10000,fitcullpct=10,numsolutions=5,target=1000,tolerance=1): """Controls the whole process. """ pop=generate(popsize,genomelength) fitgens=[] generation=1 while len(fitgens)<numsolutions: epop=express(pop) fpop,avg=fitness(epop,target,tolerance) print "Average fitness",avg if avg>tolerance: pop=breed_new(get_fittest(fpop,fitcullpct),popsize,mutationrate) generation=generation+1 else: print "Pop avg fitness within tolerance" print "********************************" fitgens.append((fpop[0:],generation)) pop=generate(popsize,genomelength) generation=1 outlist=[] for fitpop,generation in fitgens: bestfitpop=get_fittest(fitpop,20,full=True) for fitgeneinfo in bestfitpop: genome,number,avgfit=fitgeneinfo prev='' s=floatify(genome) outlist.append(genome+" in "+str(generation)+" generations got "+str(number)+" avg fit ="+str(avgfit)) for line in set(outlist): print line </pre> Matt. (Apologies for any disclaimers) This message and any attachments (the "message") is intended solely for the addressees and is confidential. 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