Blubaugh, David A. wrote:
> To All,
> I have been evaluating the python environment ever more closer.  I
> believe I can interface python with a development environment known as
> the ImpulseC environment.  The ImpulseC environment develops C to VHDL
> for FPGA development.     I would especially love to interface Python
> with ImpulseC and the graphing capabilities of GNU Plot and SciPy in
> order to recreate a VHDL development environment that will be just as
> capable as a $50,000 dollar Matlab to VHDL toolbox.  This is also a part
> of my Masters thesis.  Is anyone willing to help in this endeavor?????  
For all common math things SciPy can replace MatLab,
with the main advantage that every library is open,
so you're always be able to trace weird results (which was my great 
frustation with MatLab).

If Scipy WILL replace MatLab is more a question of marketing than of 
At the moment you see that MatLab and LabView both have interfaces for 
each other,
so probably they have some kind of joint venture, and than the question 
changes to
"Will Python one day replace MatLab + LabView" ;-)

Instead of GNU-plot, I would also look at MatPlot, which is almoast an 
exact copy of the plot libs in MatLab.
Even better is to switch to Chaco right away.

good luck with your thesis,

btw, forgot to tell that I'm too working on a replacement for MatLab + 
LabView, see


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