Abrahams, Max <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I've looked into pickle, dump, load, save, readlines(), etc.
>  Which is the best method? Fastest? My lists tend to be around a thousand to 
> a million items.
>  Binary and text files are both okay, text would be preferred in
>  general unless there's a significant speed boost from something
>  binary.

You could try the marshal module which is very vast, lightweight and
built in.


It makes a binary format though, and it will only dump "simple"
objects - see the page above.  It is what python uses internally to
make .pyc files from .py I believe.


import os
from marshal import dump, load
from timeit import Timer

def write(N, file_name = "z.marshal"):
    L = range(N)
    out = open(file_name, "wb")
    dump(L, out)
    print "Written %d bytes for list size %d" % (os.path.getsize(file_name), N)

def read(N):
    inp = open("z.marshal", "rb")
    L = load(inp)
    assert len(L) == N

for log_N in range(7):
    N = 10**log_N
    loops = 10
    print "Read back %d items in" % N, Timer("read(%d)" % N, "from __main__ 
import read").repeat(1, loops)[0]/loops, "s"


$ ./test-marshal.py
Written 10 bytes for list size 1
Read back 1 items in 4.14133071899e-05 s
Written 55 bytes for list size 10
Read back 10 items in 4.31060791016e-05 s
Written 505 bytes for list size 100
Read back 100 items in 8.23020935059e-05 s
Written 5005 bytes for list size 1000
Read back 1000 items in 0.000352478027344 s
Written 50005 bytes for list size 10000
Read back 10000 items in 0.00165479183197 s
Written 500005 bytes for list size 100000
Read back 100000 items in 0.0175776958466 s
Written 5000005 bytes for list size 1000000
Read back 1000000 items in 0.175704598427 s

Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

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