On Feb 7, 2008 8:59 PM, ajaksu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 10:05 pm, "Blubaugh, David A." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I do not understand why people such as yourself cannot construct
> > anything but insults and complaints.
> I can help with that. People asked politely a few days ago. Didn't you
> see it? It happens because you're not following basic etiquette and
> common practice for online communication. That makes your messages
> annoying and unpleasant, so people complain and insult in return.
> Things like USING CAPS AND LOTS OF PUNCTUATION SUCkS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> IT MAKES READING HARDER!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!1!!!!!
> one!!!!!
> SEE??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
> ??????????????????????????????????????????
> ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
> ???????????????????
> ??????????????????? YOU DO,
> RIGHT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
> ?????????????????????????????????????????????
> ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
> ????????????????
> ?????????????????????????????????NO??????????????????????

I don't know, I'm inclined to agree with him.  Repeatedly replying to
bash his use of grammar or punctuation is unnecessary.  Replying to
the list to mock repeatedly is doubly unnecessary.  If nothing else,
there comes a point where you should say "look, we tried to help him
with his mailing list ethics, but it's just not working" and LEAVE IT

And speaking of annoyances, changing the subject again and again is
kind of annoying, too.  At least this one was changing the subject
line to legitimately a different topic, unlike Steve's "I changed the
topic because it 'hurt my eyes' to look at that many consecutive
question marks."

> You don't actually engage in conversation. That also sucks.
> So... I don't understand why people such as yourself cannot construct
> queries in a readable fashion, improving them based on polite
> feedback, then get angry when nobody cares to answer them.
> >  Please e-mail me something that is
> > of reasonable technological value regarding Python development
> No. I've already done that, just after you were throwing fits, without
> a word from you. But congratulations on getting your first grown-up-
> ish post and request, anyway.
> > not just
> > informing me that that my messages are difficult to read under
> > circumstances that are ridiculous at best.  thanks.
> Sorry, not everyone is an EE with lots of experience on environments
> that make jerk-grammar easier to parse, SIR.
> I live in a 3rd World country and my screen is actually based on
> highly trained fire ants carrying leaf litter. Do you know how
> exhausted the poor things get trying to fetch all those curvy twigs
> for your question marks? Mine, above, were typed in veeery slowly,
> just to avoid that.

Speaking of being a jerk...

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