On Jan 27, 12:23 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >go troll somewhere else (you obviously don't know anything about
> >assembler and don't want to learn anything about Python).
> >-- bjorn
> before you start mouthing off, maybe you should learn assembler.

I suppose I shouldn't feed the trolls... but what the heck ;-P   I
could of course try to be helpful, but I don't think I have the skillz

I might know a thing or two about assembly though, I started out on
the Commodore 64, then I wrote TSR programs (both .com and .exe ;-)
for my IBM AT, and I wrote a compiler for a scheme-like functional
language (with SML-like syntax) that targeted the Motorola 68040
(which was inside my NeXTstation...).


> Don't fucking tell me about assembler, you asshole. I can read
> disassembled code in my sleep.

Watch the language, fucktard. Perhaps you should try _writing_
something in assembly for a change? How about linking up a "hello
world" executable? You seem too clueless to be for real though, so my
original advice stands.

-- bjorn


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