I got coverage.py to work after somewhat of a difficult start...

Hint:  if moving your code from Windows to Linux and if running
'coverage.py -r mymodule.py' causes SyntaxError/SyntaxException, the
'flip' utility is your friend to deal with removing those nasty \r\n
newlines that are preventing coverage.py from working.

... and I can generate annotated files.  Great, but it would be really
nice to have an quick overview of untested code.

One Java tool I've used in the past is Cobertura, which can output its
coverage reports in html format.


I was wondering if there is anything similar to dress up coverage.py
annotation files?  Wouldn't seem to be very difficult to html-ize the
files a bit.  I can probably take a, feeble, stab at it, but I'd
rather not reinvent any wheels.

Second question:

I'd like a basic UML tool to draw up some interaction diagrams
(Collaboration/Sequence) on some of my hairier pieces of code.  I
think of it more as documentation/brainstorming diagrams than anything
else.  I.e. something that helps me remember how things work and can
help me spot refactoring opportunities.

Things I don't care about:

- document most of my code - this is for the truly complex 5-10% of
- generating diagrams from code or code from diagrams
- static class diagrams
- descriptions doing the whole UML hog - type declarations,
stereotypes, etc...

What I do care about:

- sketching basic diagrams manually as quickly as possible

Most of the software I've seen takes great pride in reverse
engineering or generating code, often of the Java variety.  In fact,
everything looks dauntingly complex/powerful.  Anybody seen the
equivalent of an UML/CRC-card aware blackboard?  Something as
trivially dumb/easy as the early Visio/ABC Flowcharter?

I've looked at ArgoUML, BoaConstructor and UMLet in the past and
didn't really like them.  What about Dia?  Looking at UML from a
Python / post-coding documentation angle, what seems to fit the bill

I am on Linux or Windows, using PyDev on Eclipse.


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