Preston Landers wrote:
> Hey guys and gals.  What are all the cool kids using these days to
> document their code?  My goal is to create in-line documentation of
> each package/module/class/method and create some semi-nice looking (or
> at least usable) packaged documentation from it, in HTML and/or PDF
> format.
> I've been using effbot's PythonDoc for a while, but it seems like "the
> new standard" (if there is one) is docutils and restructured text
> (ReST.)  Is that accurate?
> Just from glancing at some samples of ReST the actual format looks
> much easier to work with in "plain text" in the text editor.
> PythonDoc has not been very popular with my team due to its HTML-ish
> nature and I think ReST will gain more acceptance.  Of course I don't
> want to bother making the jump from PythonDoc to docutils if that
> project is somehow a dead end.

Currently using doxygen.

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