Philip Smith wrote:
> Conventions on type conversion are just one example.  Without using
> strict coding conventions the richness of the language could, and
> often did, result in ambiguity.  In my experience too C++ has
> defeated its own object (eg portability) - I've given up in many
> cases trying to compile third party libraries because I don't have
> the time to collect every version of every compiler for every
> platform in existence which is what C++ seems to demand (particularly
> if you are trying to cross-compile Unix->Windows).

Isn't that going to happen to any popular, ISO standard language?  An ISO
standard, oddly enough, means that compiler vendors will compete to add
value to the standard.  Having a language remain under the iron grip of 1
developer is both a blessing and a curse.  Some things remain wonderfully
well controlled and coordinated; other things are suppressed according to
the idiosyncratic whim of the arch-developer.

FWIW this dilemma has had profound historical importance.  It's the main
reason the Chinese didn't colonize and conquer the world, despite having a
61 year head start in maritime expansion.  Isolationist agrarian Confucians
beat expansionist maritime Eunuchs in a civil war, then banned all the
shipping for 130 years.  Europe, being composed of many competing powers who
would try new things to gain an advantage, cleaned up.

My point is that Python may someday grow beyond the notion of 'BDFL', as
heretical as that may sound.

Brandon Van Every           Seattle, WA

"Troll" - (n.) Anything you don't like.
Usage: "He's just a troll."


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