On Feb 17, 3:05 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I researched this for some Java I wrote. Try to avoid shuffling
> physical memory - you'll write a lot less code and it will be faster,
> too.
> Use an "allocated" list and an "available" list. Keep them in address
> order. Inserting (moving list elements from insertion point to end)
> and deleting (vice-versa) are near-zero cost operations on Intel
> boxes. ( Two millis to move a million ints at 1GHz 5 years ago when I
> wrotehttp://www.martinrinehart.com/articles/repz.html- probably half
> that today.)

It seems to me that another, perhaps better strategy, would be to
allocate a large heap space, then store a pointer to the base of the
heap, the current heap size, and the beginning of the free memory.
When you need to 'allocate' more room, just return a pointer to some
location in the heap and increment the start-of-free-memory pointer.
That way, allocation really IS free, more or less. Wouldn't that be
more efficient? Perhaps I'm missing something.

As a side note, I'm new to Usenet, so I'm not exactly sure... are
'tangents' like this - since this IS a Python newsgroup, after all -

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.


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