On Feb 19, 2:05 pm, 7stud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> An integer divided by an integer produces an integer.  In computer
> programming, that's called 'integer arithmetic', and any fractional
> part of the result is chopped off(not rounded).

In case you care, the "chopped off" bit is given by the modulo
operator '%'.  So integer division x/y is really like the everyday y
goes into x, p times, remainder q, for example:

>>> 10/3, 10%3
(3, 1)

> If your arithmetic
> involves at least one float, then you will get a float as an asnwer:
> print 255/494
> print 255.0/494
> print (255 * 1.0)/494

or indeed "print float(255)/494"

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