The Python Software Foundation's infrastructure committee is looking
for volunteers to help maintain the Roundup issue tracker installed
for Responsibilities revolve around
maintaining the Roundup installation itself (tracker schema, modifying
the installed copy of Roundup, etc.) and the occasional database work
(changes to the database, etc.).

You do not have to be an expert at Roundup to volunteer! You can learn
"on the job" by doing offline development and submitting patches until
you are of a proper level of experience to gain commit access to the
code (which can be seen at XXX). If you still have a New Years
resolution to help Python out this is a great way to fulfill the
promise you made yourself for 2008!

If you are interested in volunteering, please email tracker-discuss at Thanks to all who have helped with the tracker already and
those that will in the future!

-Brett Cannon
Chairman, PSF infrastructure committee

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